💰 Over the past 12 months, roughly half (45%) of American workers reported spending between $500 and $6,000 on mental health services, with nearly one-third (32%) saying they spent more than $1,501. This comes at a time when 95% of workers report they are concerned about the economic situation in the US, and financial worries are adding to their stress and burnout.
💠Despite rising employee stress, fewer than 6% of employers say they spend more than $500 on mental health per employee, and 72% do not plan to add additional mental health support in the year ahead.
🔎 These are among the findings from leading benefits consultant Cambridge/ Benefit Partners / NFP’s 2023 US Benefits Trend Report.
📢 “Today’s employees are looking for more than pay and traditional benefits,” said Doug Hammond, NFP’s chairman and CEO. “Compensation still reigns supreme in how employees measure value. But with many employers falling short in delivering mental health and well-being solutions, employees are having to invest their own money to address their needs. There is an opportunity for forward-thinking employers to step up and invest in the well-being of their employees, and our team is focused on guiding employers as they take these actions.”
👉 Access the full Cambridge / Benefit Partner NFP US Benefits Trend Report: 2023 US Benefit Trend Report